Hi friends, almost two years have passed since we opened this 3P Centre, the idea of this indoor came up after a conversation at other courts in the vicinity, on a rainy day, when the court we just played on was not suitable for Padel practice. After this first exchange we continued for almost a year looking for the right place, creating the business plan, trainings, search for the best Padel courts, crowdfunding, project for Innovation Basel and a long etc.
All this work and many more that I don´t tell you, so that today we have created a large community around our «La Nave» that grows more and more every day.
All this learning has taken me, it has been my first experience of creating a company, I have always worked for third parties and at this moment, I realize how difficult and hard and at the same time motivating it is. Companies are based mainly on the human team they are made up of, on the ethical and reciprocal principles that govern their relationships and on the product they sell. The product/experience we want for our final customers does not become a success without a correct functioning at all levels, among the members that form a small company.
After these words, that suggest a change of scenery, a turning of the page and a new search for exciting projects, I say goodbye to you, those of you who have played with me already know that I am going for all and I do not give a point for lost, and that is what I hope to continue doing in my near future projects.
We will continue playing for a short time in my business or in another similar or maybe we will meet at a barbecue on the Rhine,
Thank you for everything, thank you PPPadel….Welcome Qualitygoods.ch